1 Advising you and keeping you updated at all times on your case status
2 Arguing for lower bail
3 Interviewing witnesses and police
4 Gathering evidence supporting your defenses
5 Making court motions. For weapons charges, this may include a "motion to suppress evidence" if you were illegally stopped and arrested, or a weapon was found in some other illegal search and seizure. A successful motion to suppress may result in some or all of the charges being dismissed
6 Evaluating all legal defenses available in your case. These can include insufficient evidence, innocence, lack of criminal intent, and other defenses
7 Seeking reduction of charges (when available)
8 Representing you at trial or in a plea bargain
9 Actively and aggresively seeking case dismissal
10 Seeking alternative sentencing, or the lowest sentence available. Alternative sentences (available in some cases) can include fines, electronic monitoring / house arrest, community service, work furlough, and counseling.
GET ME, THOMAS C: getmethomasc@gmail.com